News ID : 52188

Iran not dependent on others for equipment supply: Rear Admiral

Iran not dependent on others for equipment supply: Rear Admiral

According to, Iranian Army's Deputy Commander for Coordination Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari made the remarks on the sidelines of a ceremony to renew allegiance to ideals of Imam Khomeini, which was held by commanders and personnel of armed forces of the country at the mausoleum of founder of the Islamic Revolution on Monday.

Sayyari congratulated the audience for the Ten-Day Fajr celebrations, noting that the late Imam had always stressed on the need for self-sufficiency and localizing military equipment production.
Once officials said that other countries do not sell weapons to Iran; then, Imam stated that not only now, but also as long as people stand with the Islamic Revolution, they will not sell equipment to Iranians, the commander added. 
So, Imam asked Iranian authorities to stand on your own two feet and prepare needed equipment, Sayyari said, noting that Imam told those who said that Iranians do not know how to produce weaponry that the other countries have not been producers from the first place; then, you should work hard to produce the best ones.
Today, after 43 years Imam's order has borne fruit and the Islamic Republic is not comparable with the era prior to the victory of the Islamic Revolution in terms of supplying air, land, marine and missile equipment.
Iranian official and people mark the 43rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory in 1979, holding celebrations and festivals concurrent with the return of Imam Khomeini to the country that is also named Ten-Day Fajr (dawn) celebrations from February 1-11.

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